Course Climate Innovation Acceleration

Introduction to Sustainable Startup Creation

Belajar mengenai hal-hal esensial yang perlu diperhatikan ketika membuat sebuah usaha atau startup yang sustainable
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Belajar di X-Seed: Introcution to Sustainable Startup Creation

Peserta dapat memahami gambaran umum (general overview) tentang hal-hal esensial dalam membuat startup

Kelas Interaktif & Forum Diskusi

Video course menarik Untuk Pemahaman lebih Mudah Dari Peserta Kelas. Terdapat forum diskusi untuk berbagi pemikiran.

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Materi-materi yang tersedia disusun langsung oleh pakar baik di bidang lingkungan maupun di bidang bisnis di Indonesia

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Amadea Cintantya

Venture Analyst - Ecoxyztem
Patrick Jones - Course author

Are you ready to be #TheNextEcopreneur?

Climate Innovation Acceleration (CIA) encompasses a suite of programs that facilitate the connection between climate talents and potential innovations, driving the acceleration of impactful solutions to address climate challenges on a large scale. Accelerated by HSBC, Ecoxyztem, and Greeneration Foundation, the collateral efforts arising from program awareness and solutions actively contribute to bolstering Indonesia's pursuit of its Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (ENDC) target by 2030.
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